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Pentagram Project - Filling the gap between research and practice


Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―





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Ethical Decision

Vol. 3

Actually, labor-related staffs and/or managers from a buyer’s (Nike’s  or adidas’ ) local office visit Plant A, which provides better working conditions, frequently (about a month) and they make contacts with the plant’s managers regularly. This practice built a harmonious and collaborative relationship between the buying company and Plant A.

As a result, the management of Plant A understood and supported the code of conduct, which was communicated by the sourcing firm’s staffs, and they willingly attempted to improve working conditions at the workplace. Plant A introduced a lean manufacturing system with necessary training for the employees. Personnel of Nike or adidas assisted the change.

Productivity and efficiency are enhanced so that Plant A could raise wages or reduce overtime. The Plant A’s management respects its employees and encourages them to work autonomously. Therefore, the workers are highly motivated. In this way, Plant A achieved better working conditions and the employee’s higher motivation.

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Writer/Chair: Katsushi Yamaguchi
Katsushi Yamaguchi is a Research Associate at WBS Research Center, Waseda University. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University. His areas of research are business ethics, global business management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

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