Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―
第2回、3回で見たような取り組みを成功させるためにはどのようなことが必要でしょうか。スウェーデンの大手家具小売り企業であるイケアには、社内及び社外の人々向けに知識を向上させる教育メカニズムがあります(Andersen & Skjoett-Larsen, 2009)。
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Ethical Decision
Vol. 4
What should be done to have such practices, those which explained in the second and the third issues, successfully implemented? IKEA, a leading Swedish home furniture retailer, provides an educational mechanism to enhance knowledge of people inside and outside the organization (Andersen & Skjoett-Larsen, 2009).
Externally, IKEA’s personnel visit suppliers frequently, and hold dialogue with and provide training for the business partners, as Nike and adidas do. Internal mechanism aims at enhancing knowledge and skills of employees who are involved in supply chain-related CSR. It is achieved through employee training specialized in code of conduct and experience sharing among the members involved in the code.
It may be concluded that it is essential to provide education/training for people those who are related to implement code of conduct to enhance necessary skills, as well as assist suppliers. The practices bring additional benefit – employees with improved knowledge and capabilities express a much more positive attitude toward social issues.
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