Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―
サプライヤーが行動規範を遵守するよう促すための施策を数回に渡り紹介します。施策の1つを、ナイキ(Locke & Romis, 2007)とアディダス (Frenkel & Scott, 2002)のケース・スタディを元に解説します。
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Ethical Decision
Vol. 2
The author will provide you with some practices to encourage suppliers to comply with the buyer’s code of conduct in the following few issues. One of the practices will be described based on case studies on Nike (Locke & Romis, 2007) and adidas (Frenkel & Scott, 2002).
These two case studies compare each brand’s two contractor plants. The each two plants are similar in terms of size, age, country in which the plants are located, and product(s). However, there is a difference in working conditions at the two factories. What made the difference in working conditions, despite their similar characteristics and circumstances?
As a matter of fact, buyer company’s (Nike or adidas) local-based staffs or managers who in charge of labor issues visit the plants with better working conditions frequently (about once a month). Why the frequent visits by local staffs of a buyer company to a contractor’s factory led to improve working conditions at the plant? The reason will be explained in the next issue. (written by Katsushi Yamaguchi)
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