Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―
しかし、行動規範を要求されていても、実際にそれを守る工場は少ないことが、スウェーデンの大手玩具メーカー3社と中国のサプライヤーを対象としたケース・スタディ(Egels-Zanden, 2007)から明らかになっています。
Ethical Decision 第2回 >
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Ethical Decision
Vol. 1
How would your company respond to the following situation? - The media reported that employees are forced to work under deteriorated working conditions at your contractor’s factory in China, and it caused anti-sweatshop campaign against your firm... In 1990s, facing similar situations, multinational companies in Europe and U.S. adopted codes of conduct.
Code of conduct is a set of guidelines with which suppliers must fulfill, regarding working conditions such as wage, working hours, prohibition on child labor, or occupational safety and health. Compliance is assessed by monitoring.
However, in a case study on three leading Swedish toy manufacturers and their suppliers in China, Egels-Zanden (2007) revealed that few factories comply with the code of conduct, despite the toy manufacturers employing such practices.
To receive positive evaluation, the management of the factories taught their employees about how to answer monitors’ questions, or forge records of working time or salary. Therefore, motivating suppliers to comply with the code of conduct is necessary, along with adopting the code. Several practices to enhance suppliers’ motivation will be provided in the following issues.
Ethical Decision Vol.2 >
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