Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―
情報開示が行われるのは倫理的な理由からでしょうか、それとも経済的な理由からでしょうか。Holder-WebbとCohen (2007)は、財務状態が逼迫したアメリカ企業の「経営者による財務・経営成績の分析(MD&A)」*から、経営が逼迫した前年から翌年までの情報開示の質の変化を調べました。
* MD&Aとは、企業の年次報告書のセクションの一つで、経営者の視点から、企業の財務状況と将来の見通しに関する情報を提供するものです。一般的には、企業の流動性、キャッシュフロー、経営成績、財務諸表の勘定科目における変化の隠れた原因、前向き、及び悲観的な動向、市場におけるリスク、不確実性等を説明します。
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Ethical Decision
Vol. 7
Do you think disclosure is driven by ethical considerations, or by economic concerns? Based on Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)* by U.S. distress firms, Holder-Webb and Cohen (2007) evaluated changes in disclosure quality of the firms between a year before and after they entered into distress.
They found that all the sample firms increased quality of their disclosure in the year they entered distress. It suggests that the MD&A provides complete information for investors. Nevertheless, the increase was sustained only for firms those avoided bankruptcy after the distress. In contrast, disclosure quality for companies became bankrupt decreased in the same period. These findings suggest that contents of disclosure are decided by economic interest rather than by ethical considerations.
This trend was observed during a non-recession period. This finding suggests that companies are reluctant to publicize "correct information" about them, because they cannot blame the recession for the "bad news."
* MD&A is a section of a company’s annual report. Through the eyes of management, it provides a company’s financial conditions and its future prospects. It typically describes the firm’s liquidity, cash flows, results of operations, underlying cause of change in financial statement items, positive and negative trends, market risks, and uncertainties.
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