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Pentagram Project - Filling the gap between research and practice


Survival ― 生き残るために ―






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Vol. 2

Jung (2009) predicts a paradigm shift from growth to crisis management will happen after the financial crisis as it did after the Great Depression, and that financial institutions will tighten their exposure to corporate loans.

According to his study, many big corporations established internal research institutions after the Great Depression to prepare for the growth after the turmoil.This time, too, big corporations may increase R&D expenditures as they improve their cash positions.

Santikian (2010) gathered 5,344 portfolio data from mid-sized regional banks in the U.S. and suggests ventures, which will be put in a relatively disadvantageous position, should consider (1) purchasing non-loan products and/or (2) introducing prospects to financial institutions through their founder’s network.

According to the study, purchasing more non-loan products by one standard deviation reduces effective loan interest rate by 29 basis points, and introducing more prospects by one standard deviation increases stand-by loan facility by 21%.

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Writer/Chair: Hironobu Tamaki

Founder & chief executive officer of MIYABI FOODS INC. (U.S.A.), founder of GOLFDIGEST ONLINE, INC. (JAPAN) and former representative managing director of AOL JAPAN. At MITSUI & CO., LTD., he engaged in venture investment in Silicon Valley. B.S., Physics, University of Tokyo, M.B.A., Harvard Business School. A Ph.D. candidate, Waseda University. Research focus on entrepreneurship and start-up processes.

*There is no relation between the photo and the text.